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How likely are you to recommend this Sophia Online Degree College to your friends and family? YesNoDon't Know
Are you satisfied with the quality of communication and explanation? YesNoDon't Know
What is your most memorable experience in this college so far? YesNoDon't Know
What are you most dissatisfied with in the college's operations? YesNoDon't Know
How helpful is your course advisor in dealing with the issues you face? YesNoDon't Know
Is there any other feedback you would like to provide? YesNoDon't Know
How clear are the course objectives? YesNoDon't Know
How organized was the course in terms of the time frame and assessment and access to materials? YesNoDon't Know
Did you participate actively in the course? Give a reason for the answer. YesNoDon't Know
How well did the course achieve the stated learning outcomes? YesNoDon't Know
How conducive was the learning environment? YesNoDon't Know
Did the counselor make use of teaching and learning materials adequately? Give a reason for the answer. YesNoDon't Know
How fair was the course assessment method? YesNoDon't Know
To what extent did the course interest you? YesNoDon't Know
Did you understand the lectures? Give a reason for your response. YesNoDon't Know
How well did the counselors respond to student’s inquiries? YesNoDon't Know
How well do the counselors communicate his or her subjects to the students? YesNoDon't Know
Did the counselors encourage feedback from the students? Give a reason for your response. YesNoDon't Know
Did the counselor show genuine concern for the students? Give a reason for your response. YesNoDon't Know
Overall, how would you rate this counsellor? YesNoDon't Know
Would you recommend this counselor to other students? YesNoDon't Know
How accessible is the counselors? YesNoDon't Know
How well did the counselors communicate the course requirements? YesNoDon't Know
Do you have any other suggestions for the counselors? YesNoDon't Know
Do you feel that this college is preparing you adequately for the job market? YesNoDon't Know
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